ArithmeQuest | Web Application

Created a full-stack game to test one’s arithmetic skills to generate a sequence of numbers that lead to a target number with Javascript and Google Firebase. Improved its solving algorithm by 20% by utilizing pruning for its backtracking compared to the previous version. Automated workflow to push changes pipelines with Vercel hosting and Github Actions as a CI/CD pipeline.

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AI Flashcard Study Tool | Web Application

Developed an AI application to save user from manual data entry by efficiently converting user notes into flashcards with React.js, Python and CHATGPT API for a 24-hour hackathon. Achieved a 90% greater flashcard creation speed than manually creation through simply uploading one’s notes to the web application. Created the back-end that used a shell script to convert user files into strings to pass through the API, convert to JSON, then back as flashcards.

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x86 Assembly Calculator | GitHub Repository

Designed a calculator supporting 15+ operators built with x86 32-bit Assembly with Intel syntax. Created all type-conversion functions from scratch without calls to higher-level languages to simplify the program. Implemented input validation and error prevention with finite-state machines in the form of jump tables.

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Symptom Survey Bot | GitHub Repository

Automated COVID symptom survey application with ChromeDriver and Selenium to save time for students. Deployed the process online for fellow students to use as a Chrome extension where the user fills out their email information, with 10 daily users. Improved efficiency and accessibility to public facilities by 70% by running the process by running scripts every morning.

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